At the age of six, I experienced something impossible. Since that time, I’ve made it my life’s work to bring that experience to all who love the sensation of mystery. Through this form of entertainment, people are invited to share in an escape from the tedium of everyday life and release their minds into a temporary wellspring of wondrous exploration. It is theater and it is beautiful. Thank you for visiting the site. Enjoy your stay and let’s talk soon.
To describe the experience that I aim to bring through magic, I can think of no better words than those of Christopher Priest, author of the wonderful novel, The Prestige:
“Are you watching closely? The magician shows you something ordinary. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it’s indeed real; unaltered; normal. But of course … it probably isn’t. The magician takes that ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret … but you won’t find it, because of course, you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.”
Do we make decisions by free will, or are we fated to a destiny? Are some people gifted with supernatural intuition? Do the dead communicate? In the course of this act, I forge a path on an expedition from the simplest human ideas to the depths of existential desire. I can teach you to move objects with your mind. By gazing into your eyes, I can see the most recent dream you dreamed. If the occasion is right, I may even glimpse your future and tell you what it holds. Together, we will explore powers of the mind that will puzzle the analyst, intrigue the skeptic, and even unnerve the believer.
In all that I do, the goal is to share the experience of mystery with everyone who wishes to partake. To that end, my shows are adaptable to any performance environment. Whether I’m at a table with three people in the wind and rain, or on a warm theater stage in front of a thousand eyes, I am comfortable and prepared to entertain. I will work with you to customize my show to exactly your venue, your audience, and your budget.
I’ve been studying this artform since the age of 10, so I’ve now been at it for 21 years. Over those years, I’ve performed hundreds of shows in venues, from the streets of Pike Place Market to the stage of The Jewelbox Theater. This is my life’s work and my greatest purpose. I cherish this art and I take great pride in it.
I do not perform for children. However, I do have references for children’s parties if you are looking for entertainers in the area.
The most beautiful aspect of studying magic is that it opens doors into the nature of the mind. And behind those doors are wonders that we rarely have the chance to experience. Imagine having the ability to see the future, to know the thoughts of those around you, or to move objects with your mind. My purpose is to act as a guide - to unlock these experiences for everyone at my show so that together we can have fun basking in the mystery.
We get to decide that together! My rate is based on my tailoring process. It goes like this: I have two acts: one for small events (audience of 5-30) and one for larger events (audience of 30-500). I gather information on anything special that you want for your event, and I incorporate those details into the show. Together, we can agree on a price that is fair. I don’t want to exclude anyone from consideration, so I will always try to work within your budget.
Yes. I will travel between Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana with no additional fee. Beyond that distance, there will be a fee associated with travel costs.
Simply click ‘Book Cameron Josef Brow’ at the bottom of the page and say hello, or send an email to From there, I’ll get in touch to design the best show to suit your needs!